The technical human intervention in the climate system would have serious consequences
That would be great, if the climate will fail politically, and finally, the Earth is heating up, no brakes, we solve the problem simply technical. "Geo engineering" refers to a technical intervention in the climate system - for example, when particles in the air blow in order to reduce the sunlight. This would have serious consequences, however, as a European research team has now been found.
Geo-engineering would be Europe and other regions of the earth will bring more droughts.
Huge mirrors absorb light
Another option in addition to the enrichment of the atmosphere with particulate matter would be to post huge mirrors in Earth orbit. As a result of the measures, the results of the research, although the temperatures would drop back to normal - but at the same time would significantly decrease the rainfall on Earth.
That would mean that in Europe and North America about 15 percent drier than would be before the start of human-induced climate change. Will in the Amazon rain as much as 20 percent, the researchers report in the journal "Earth System Dynamics".
Remove greenhouse gases
About geo-engineering should either remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or the solar radiation is reduced to the surface. Both should help to slow down climate change and halt global warming.
"Such measures have been proposed as a temporary solution for the case that climate change efforts fail or fail, the consequences of global warming more severe than expected". But the side effects of such interventions in the global climate system have been explored only in part.
Climate would be different
"The main message of our experiment is that the generated by geo-engineering climate is different than any pre-existing natural". One could, the climate such measures do not simply turn back to a previous state.
Even if the temperature gets back to lower levels, there are crucial differences. "Geo-engineering can not therefore be considered a substitute for a climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions," the researchers conclude.
Four climate models
The scientists studied using four climate models, such as the Earth's climate responds to measures to reduce the sunlight. In their scenario, scientists believe that the atmosphere is four times as much carbon dioxide (CO2) still contains the beginning of industrialization - then there were around 280 ppm (parts per million, parts per million).
"Such a quadruple is at the upper end of the forecast breadth, but is still within the range of what would be the end of the 21st century possible," says Max Planck meteorologist Schmidt. To simulate a geo-engineering measure, the researchers then lowered the sunlight in their models to such an extent that the extra CO2 caused by the greenhouse effect has been compensated.
Much less precipitation
The outcome measure, the researchers compared the simulated climate of the earth before the Industrial Revolution. In all four models had manipulated the climate was drier than in the same scenario, the researchers report. The rainfall amounts were lower by an average of 4.8 percent worldwide.
Particularly strongly decreased while the rainfall over North America, the northern part of Eurasia and South America. In the Amazon, it was dry as much as 20 percent. The average global temperature was, however, similar as in the comparative scenario, however, cooled the tropics are somewhat stronger than the polar regions
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